Cai CQ, Lavan N, Chen SHY, Wang CZX, Ozturk OC, Gilbert SJ & White SJ (2024). Mapping the differential impact of spontaneous and conversational laughter on brain and mind: A fMRI study in autism. Cerebral Cortex, 34, Article bhae199. (view here)

Cai CQ, Mueller MAE, Lima CF, Jin G, Turek A, Sivasathiaseelan H & Guldner S (2024). Development of a novel tool to investigate human laughter behaviour and experience. Neuroscience Letters, 825, Article 137690. (view here)

Cai CQ, White SJ, Chen SHY, Mueller MAE & Scott SK (2024). Autistic adults perceive and experience laughter differently to non-autistic adults. Scientific Reports, 14, Article 11590. (view here)

Ellis K (2024). Learning disability: beyond the cognitive. The British Psychological Society. https://www.bps.org.uk/psychologist/learning-disability-beyond-cognitive

Ellis K, White S, Dziwisz M, Agarwal P & Moss J (2024). Visual attention patterns during a gaze following task in neurogenetic syndromes associated with unique profiles of autistic traits: Fragile X and Cornelia de Lange syndromes. Cortex, 174, 110-124. (view here)

Herring J, Johnson K, Scerif G, Weight E, Richstein J, Crawford H, Robinson H, Gawarammana R & Ellis K (2024). The joys of fragile X: Understanding the strengths of fragile X and delivering a diagnosis in a helpful, holistic way. Neurodiversity, 2. (view here)

Wu R, Leow K, Yu N, Rafter C, Rosenbaum K, F de C Hamilton A & White SJ (2024). Evaluative contexts facilitate implicit mentalizing: relation to the broader autism phenotype and mental health. Scientific Reports, 14, Article 4697. (view here)

Wu R, Hamilton A & White SJ (2024). Can membership modulate the social abilities of autistic people? An intergroup bias in smile perception. Cortex, 173, 150-160. (view here)

Wu R, Lim JT, Ahmed Z, Berger R, Acem E, Chowdhury I & White SJ (2024). Do autistic adults spontaneously reason about belief? A detailed exploration of alternative explanations. Royal Society Open Science, 11, 1-17. (view here)

Ellis K, Pearson E, Murray C, Jenner L, Bissell S, Trower H, Smith K, Groves L, Jones B, Williams N, McCourt A, Moss J, Channell MM (Editor) & Mattie LJ (Editor) (2023). Chapter Three – The importance of refined assessment of communication and social functioning in people with intellectual disabilities: Insights from neurogenetic syndrome research. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities, 64, 97-170. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.irrdd.2023.07.003

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Sykes M, Copsey B, Finch T, Meads D, Farrin A, Mcsharry J, Holman N, Young B, Berry A, Ellis K, Moreau L, Willis T, Alderson S, Girling M, O’Halloran E & Foy R (2023). A cluster randomised controlled trial, process and economic evaluation of quality improvement collaboratives aligned to a national audit to improve the care for people with diabetes (EQUIPD): study protocol. Implementation Science, 18, 37. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-023-01293-0

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Oliver C, Ellis K, Agar G, Bissell S, Chung JCY, Crawford H, Pearson E, Wade K, Waite J, Allen D, Deeprose L, Edwards G, Jenner L, Kearney B, Shelley L, Smith K, Trower H, Adams D, Daniel L, Groves L, Heald M, Moss J, Richards C, Royston R, Tarver J, Welham A, Wilde L, Woodcock K, Esbensen AJ (Editor) & Schworer EK (Editor) (2022). Chapter Four – Distress and challenging behavior in people with profound or severe intellectual disability and complex needs: Assessment of causes and evaluation of intervention outcomes. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities, 62, 109-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.irrdd.2022.05.004

Perry V, Ellis K, Moss J, Beck SR, Singla G, Crawford H, Waite J, Richards C & Oliver, C (2022). Executive function, repetitive behaviour and restricted interests in neurodevelopmental disorders. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 122, Article 104166. (view here)

Rana M, Perotti A, Bisset LM, Smith JD, Lamden E, Khan Z, Ismail MK, Ellis K, Armstrong KA, Hodder SL, Bertoli C, Meneguello L, de Bruin RAM, Morris JR, Romero-Canelon I, Tucker JHR & Hodges, NJ (2022). A ferrocene-containing nucleoside analogue targets DNA replication in pancreatic cancer cells. Metallomics, 14, Article mfac041. https://doi.org/10.1093/mtomcs%2Fmfac041

Scott SK, Cai CQ & Billing A (2022). Robert Provine: the critical human importance of laughter, connections and contagion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377, Article 20210178. (view here)

Ellis K, Moss J, Stefanidou C, Oliver C & Apperly I (2021). The development of early social cognitive skills in neurogenetic syndromes associated with autism: Cornelia de Lange, fragile X and Rubinstein–Taybi syndromes. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 16, 488. (view here)

Livingston LA, Shah P, White SJ & Happe F (2021). Further developing the Frith-Happe animations: A quicker, more objective, and web-based test of theory of mind for autistic and neurotypical adults. Autism Research, 14, 1905-1912. (view here)

Mintz J, Seleznyov S, Peacey N, Brown C & White SJ (2021). Evidence informed practice for autism, special educational needs and disability in schools: expanding the scope of the research learning community model of professional development. Support for Learning, 36, 160-182. (view here)

White SJ, Gerber D, Sanchez Hernandez RD, Efiannayi A, Chowdhury I, Partington H & Moss JF (2021). Autistic traits and mental health in females with the fragile X premutation: maternal status vs. genetic risk. British Journal of Psychiatry, 218, 28-34. (view here)

Ellis K, Lewington P, Powis L, Oliver C, Waite J, Heald M, Apperly I, Sandhu P & Crawford H (2020). Scaling of Early Social Cognitive Skills in Typically Developing Infants and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50, 3988-4000. (view here)

Ellis K, Oliver C, Stefanidou C, Apperly I & Moss J (2020). An Observational Study of Social Interaction Skills and Behaviors in Cornelia de Lange, Fragile X and Rubinstein-Taybi Syndromes. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50, 4001-4010. (view here)

Wu H-C, Biondo F, O’Mahony C, White SJ, Thiebaut F, Rees G & Burgess PW (2020). Mentalising and conversation-following in autism. Autism, 24, 1980-1994. (view here)

Zinck A, Frith U, Schönknecht P & White SJ (2020). Knowing Me, Knowing You: Spontaneous Use of Mentalistic Language for Self and Other in Autism. Autism, 25, 164-175. (view here)

Cai Q, Chen S, White SJ & Scott SK (2019). Modulation of humor ratings of bad jokes by other people’s laughter. Current Biology, 29, R677-R678. (view here)

King DJ, Ellis KR, Seri S & Wood AG (2019). A systematic review of cross-sectional differences and longitudinal changes to the morphometry of the brain following paediatric traumatic brain injury. NeuroImage: Clinical, 23, Article 101844 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nicl.2019.101844

Cantio C, White SJ, Madsen GF, Bilenberg N & Jepsen JR (2018). Do cognitive deficits persist into adolescence in autism? Autism Research, 11, 1229-38. (view here)

Wu H-C, White SJ, Rees G & Burgess PW (2018). Executive function in high-functioning autism: decision-making consistency as a characteristic gambling behaviour. Cortex, 107, 21-36. (view here)

Spitzer D, White SJ, Mandy W & Burgess P (2017). Confabulation in children with autism. Cortex, 87, 80-95. (view here)

Cantio C, Jepsen JR, Madsen GF, Bilenberg N & White SJ (2016). Exploring ‘the autisms’ at a cognitive level. Autism Research, 9, 1328-1339. (view here)

Thiébaut F, White SJ, Walsh A, Klargaard SK, Wu H-C, Rees G & Burgess PW (2016). Does faux pas detection in adult autism reflect differences in social cognition or decision-making abilities? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46, 103-112. (view here)

Lawson RP, Aylward J, White SJ & Rees G (2015). A striking reduction of simple loudness adaptation in autism. Nature Scientific Reports, 5, 16157. (view here)

Santiesteban I, Shah P, White SJ, Bird G & Heyes C (2015). Mentalizing or submentalizing in a communication task? Evidence from autism and a camera control. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 844-849. (view here)

Schwarzkopf D, Anderson E, de Haas B, White SJ & Rees G (2014). Larger extrastriate population receptive fields in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Neuroscience, 34, 2713-2724. (view here)

Stockbridge MD, Happé FGE & White SJ (2014). Impaired comprehension of alternating syntactic constructions in autism. Autism Research, 7, 314-321. (view here)

White SJ, Frith U, Rellecke J, Al Noor Z & Gilbert SJ (2014). Autistic adolescents show atypical activation of the brain’s mentalizing system even without a prior history of mentalizing problems. Neuropsychologia, 56, 17-25. (view here)

O’Reilly H, Thiébaut FI & White SJ (2013). Is macrocephaly a neural marker of a local bias in autism? Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 6C, 149-154. (view here)

White, SJ (2013). The Triple I hypothesis: taking another(‘s) perspective on executive dysfunction in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43, 114-121. (view here)

Santiesteban I, White SJ, Cook JL, Gilbert S, Heyes C & Bird G (2012). Training social cognition: from imitation to Theory of Mind. Cognition, 122, 228-235. (view here)

Ames C & White SJ (2011). Brief report: Are ADHD traits dissociable from the autistic profile? Links between cognition and behaviour. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41, 357-363. (view here)

White SJ, Coniston D, Rogers R & Frith U (2011). Developing the Frith-Happé animations: a quick and objective test of Theory of Mind for adults with autism. Autism Research, 4, 149-154. (view here)

White SJ & Saldaña D (2011). Performance of children with autism on the Embedded Figures test: a closer look at a popular task. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41, 1565-1572. (view here)

Zwickel J, White SJ, Coniston D, Senju A & Frith U (2011). Exploring the building blocks of social cognition: spontaneous agency perception and visual perspective taking in Asperger syndrome. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6, 564-571. (view here)

Bird G, Silani G, Brindley R, White SJ, Frith U & Singer T (2010). Empathic brain responses in insula are modulated by levels of alexithymia but not autism. Brain, 133, 1515-1525. (view here)

Duchaine B, Murray H, Turner M, White SJ & Garrido L (2009). Normal social cognition in developmental prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 26, 620-634. (view here)

Senju A, Southgate V, White SJ & Frith U (2009). Mindblind eyes: An absence of spontaneous Theory of Mind in Asperger Syndrome. Science, 325, 883-885. (view here)

White SJ, Burgess P & Hill E (2009). Impairments on ‘‘open-ended’’ executive function tests in autism. Autism Research, 2, 128-147. (view here)

White SJ, O’Reilly H & Frith U (2009). Big heads, small details and autism. Neuropsychologia, 47, 1274-1281. (view here)

White SJ, Hill E, Happé F & Frith U (2009). Revisiting the Strange Stories: revealing mentalising impairments in autism. Child Development, 80, 1097-1117. (view here)

Hirschfeld L, Bartmess E, White SJ & Frith U (2007). Can autistic children predict behavior by social stereotypes? Current Biology, 17, R451-R452. (view here)

Milne E, White SJ, Campbell R, Swettenham J, Hansen P & Ramus F (2006). Motion and form coherence detection in autism spectrum disorder: relationship to motor control and 2:4 digit ratio. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 36, 225-237. (view here)

Ramus F, White SJ & Frith U (2006). Weighing the evidence between competing theories of dyslexia. Developmental Science, 9, 265-269. (view here)

White SJ, Frith U, Milne E, Rosen S, Swettenham J & Ramus F (2006). A double dissociation between sensorimotor impairments and reading disability: A comparison of dyslexic and autistic children. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 23, 748-761. (view here)

White SJ, Hill E, Winston J & Frith U (2006). An islet of social ability in Asperger Syndrome: Judging social attributes from faces. Brain & Cognition, 61, 69-77. (view here)

White SJ, Milne E, Rosen S, Hansen P, Swettenham J, Frith U & Ramus F (2006). The role of sensorimotor processing in dyslexia: a multiple case study of dyslexic children. Developmental Science, 9, 237-255. (view here) Followed by commentaries by Bishop, Goswami, Nicolson & Fawcett, and Tallal.

Ramus F, Rosen S, Dakin S, Day B, Castellote J, White SJ & Frith U (2003). Theories of developmental dyslexia: insights from a multiple case study of dyslexic adults. Brain, 126, 841-865. (view here)