Cai CQ, Lavan N, Chen SHY, Wang CZX, Ozturk OC, Gilbert SJ & White SJ (2024). Mapping the differential impact of spontaneous and conversational laughter on brain and mind: A fMRI study in autism. Cerebral Cortex, 34, Article bhae199. (view here)

Cai CQ, Mueller MAE, Lima CF, Jin G, Turek A, Sivasathiaseelan H & Guldner S (2024). Development of a novel tool to investigate human laughter behaviour and experience. Neuroscience Letters, 825, Article 137690. (view here)

Cai CQ, White SJ, Chen SHY, Mueller MAE & Scott SK (2024). Autistic adults perceive and experience laughter differently to non-autistic adults. Scientific Reports, 14, Article 11590. (view here)

Ellis K, White S, Dziwisz M, Agarwal P & Moss J (2024). Visual attention patterns during a gaze following task in neurogenetic syndromes associated with unique profiles of autistic traits: Fragile X and Cornelia de Lange syndromes. Cortex, 174, 110-124. (view here)

Herring J, Johnson K, Scerif G, Weight E, Richstein J, Crawford H, Robinson H, Gawarammana R & Ellis K (2024). The joys of fragile X: Understanding the strengths of fragile X and delivering a diagnosis in a helpful, holistic way. Neurodiversity, 2. (view here)

Wu R, Leow K, Yu N, Rafter C, Rosenbaum K, F de C Hamilton A & White SJ (2024). Evaluative contexts facilitate implicit mentalizing: relation to the broader autism phenotype and mental health. Scientific Reports, 14, Article 4697. (view here)

Wu R, Hamilton A & White SJ (2024). Can membership modulate the social abilities of autistic people? An intergroup bias in smile perception. Cortex, 173, 150-160. (view here)

Wu R, Lim JT, Ahmed Z, Berger R, Acem E, Chowdhury I & White SJ (2024). Do autistic adults spontaneously reason about belief? A detailed exploration of alternative explanations. Royal Society Open Science, 11, 1-17. (view here)

Scott S, Cai CQ & Billing A (2023). Correction to: ‘Robert Provine: the critical human importance of laughter, connections and contagion’ (2022) by Scott et al. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 378, Article 20220409. (view here)

Perry V, Ellis K, Moss J, Beck SR, Singla G, Crawford H, Waite J, Richards C & Oliver, C (2022). Executive function, repetitive behaviour and restricted interests in neurodevelopmental disorders. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 122, Article 104166. (view here)

Scott SK, Cai CQ & Billing A (2022). Robert Provine: the critical human importance of laughter, connections and contagion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377, Article 20210178. (view here)

Ellis K, Moss J, Stefanidou C, Oliver C & Apperly I (2021). The development of early social cognitive skills in neurogenetic syndromes associated with autism: Cornelia de Lange, fragile X and Rubinstein–Taybi syndromes. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 16, 488. (view here)

Livingston LA, Shah P, White SJ & Happe F (2021). Further developing the Frith-Happe animations: A quicker, more objective, and web-based test of theory of mind for autistic and neurotypical adults. Autism Research, 14, 1905-1912. (view here)

Mintz J, Seleznyov S, Peacey N, Brown C & White SJ (2021). Evidence informed practice for autism, special educational needs and disability in schools: expanding the scope of the research learning community model of professional development. Support for Learning, 36, 160-182. (view here)

White SJ, Gerber D, Sanchez Hernandez RD, Efiannayi A, Chowdhury I, Partington H & Moss JF (2021). Autistic traits and mental health in females with the fragile X premutation: maternal status vs. genetic risk. British Journal of Psychiatry, 218, 28-34. (view here)

Ellis K, Lewington P, Powis L, Oliver C, Waite J, Heald M, Apperly I, Sandhu P & Crawford H (2020). Scaling of Early Social Cognitive Skills in Typically Developing Infants and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50, 3988-4000. (view here)

Ellis K, Oliver C, Stefanidou C, Apperly I & Moss J (2020). An Observational Study of Social Interaction Skills and Behaviors in Cornelia de Lange, Fragile X and Rubinstein-Taybi Syndromes. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50, 4001-4010. (view here)

Wu H-C, Biondo F, O’Mahony C, White SJ, Thiebaut F, Rees G & Burgess PW (2020). Mentalising and conversation-following in autism. Autism, 24, 1980-1994. (view here)

Zinck A, Frith U, Schönknecht P & White SJ (2020). Knowing Me, Knowing You: Spontaneous Use of Mentalistic Language for Self and Other in Autism. Autism, 25, 164-175. (view here)

Cai Q, Chen S, White SJ & Scott SK (2019). Modulation of humor ratings of bad jokes by other people’s laughter. Current Biology, 29, R677-R678. (view here)

Cantio C, White SJ, Madsen GF, Bilenberg N & Jepsen JR (2018). Do cognitive deficits persist into adolescence in autism? Autism Research, 11, 1229-38. (view here)

Wu H-C, White SJ, Rees G & Burgess PW (2018). Executive function in high-functioning autism: decision-making consistency as a characteristic gambling behaviour. Cortex, 107, 21-36. (view here)

Spitzer D, White SJ, Mandy W & Burgess P (2017). Confabulation in children with autism. Cortex, 87, 80-95. (view here)

Cantio C, Jepsen JR, Madsen GF, Bilenberg N & White SJ (2016). Exploring ‘the autisms’ at a cognitive level. Autism Research, 9, 1328-1339. (view here)

Thiébaut F, White SJ, Walsh A, Klargaard SK, Wu H-C, Rees G & Burgess PW (2016). Does faux pas detection in adult autism reflect differences in social cognition or decision-making abilities? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46, 103-112. (view here)

Lawson RP, Aylward J, White SJ & Rees G (2015). A striking reduction of simple loudness adaptation in autism. Nature Scientific Reports, 5, 16157. (view here)

Santiesteban I, Shah P, White SJ, Bird G & Heyes C (2015). Mentalizing or submentalizing in a communication task? Evidence from autism and a camera control. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 844-849. (view here)

Schwarzkopf D, Anderson E, de Haas B, White SJ & Rees G (2014). Larger extrastriate population receptive fields in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Neuroscience, 34, 2713-2724. (view here)

Stockbridge MD, Happé FGE & White SJ (2014). Impaired comprehension of alternating syntactic constructions in autism. Autism Research, 7, 314-321. (view here)

White SJ, Frith U, Rellecke J, Al Noor Z & Gilbert SJ (2014). Autistic adolescents show atypical activation of the brain’s mentalizing system even without a prior history of mentalizing problems. Neuropsychologia, 56, 17-25. (view here)

O’Reilly H, Thiébaut FI & White SJ (2013). Is macrocephaly a neural marker of a local bias in autism? Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 6C, 149-154. (view here)

White, SJ (2013). The Triple I hypothesis: taking another(‘s) perspective on executive dysfunction in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43, 114-121. (view here)

Santiesteban I, White SJ, Cook JL, Gilbert S, Heyes C & Bird G (2012). Training social cognition: from imitation to Theory of Mind. Cognition, 122, 228-235. (view here)

Ames C & White SJ (2011). Brief report: Are ADHD traits dissociable from the autistic profile? Links between cognition and behaviour. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41, 357-363. (view here)

White SJ, Coniston D, Rogers R & Frith U (2011). Developing the Frith-Happé animations: a quick and objective test of Theory of Mind for adults with autism. Autism Research, 4, 149-154. (view here)

White SJ & Saldaña D (2011). Performance of children with autism on the Embedded Figures test: a closer look at a popular task. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41, 1565-1572. (view here)

Zwickel J, White SJ, Coniston D, Senju A & Frith U (2011). Exploring the building blocks of social cognition: spontaneous agency perception and visual perspective taking in Asperger syndrome. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6, 564-571. (view here)

Bird G, Silani G, Brindley R, White SJ, Frith U & Singer T (2010). Empathic brain responses in insula are modulated by levels of alexithymia but not autism. Brain, 133, 1515-1525. (view here)

Duchaine B, Murray H, Turner M, White SJ & Garrido L (2009). Normal social cognition in developmental prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 26, 620-634. (view here)

Senju A, Southgate V, White SJ & Frith U (2009). Mindblind eyes: An absence of spontaneous Theory of Mind in Asperger Syndrome. Science, 325, 883-885. (view here)

White SJ, Burgess P & Hill E (2009). Impairments on ‘‘open-ended’’ executive function tests in autism. Autism Research, 2, 128-147. (view here)

White SJ, O’Reilly H & Frith U (2009). Big heads, small details and autism. Neuropsychologia, 47, 1274-1281. (view here)

White SJ, Hill E, Happé F & Frith U (2009). Revisiting the Strange Stories: revealing mentalising impairments in autism. Child Development, 80, 1097-1117. (view here)

Hirschfeld L, Bartmess E, White SJ & Frith U (2007). Can autistic children predict behavior by social stereotypes? Current Biology, 17, R451-R452. (view here)

Milne E, White SJ, Campbell R, Swettenham J, Hansen P & Ramus F (2006). Motion and form coherence detection in autism spectrum disorder: relationship to motor control and 2:4 digit ratio. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 36, 225-237. (view here)

Ramus F, White SJ & Frith U (2006). Weighing the evidence between competing theories of dyslexia. Developmental Science, 9, 265-269. (view here)

White SJ, Frith U, Milne E, Rosen S, Swettenham J & Ramus F (2006). A double dissociation between sensorimotor impairments and reading disability: A comparison of dyslexic and autistic children. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 23, 748-761. (view here)

White SJ, Hill E, Winston J & Frith U (2006). An islet of social ability in Asperger Syndrome: Judging social attributes from faces. Brain & Cognition, 61, 69-77. (view here)

White SJ, Milne E, Rosen S, Hansen P, Swettenham J, Frith U & Ramus F (2006). The role of sensorimotor processing in dyslexia: a multiple case study of dyslexic children. Developmental Science, 9, 237-255. (view here) Followed by commentaries by Bishop, Goswami, Nicolson & Fawcett, and Tallal.

Ramus F, Rosen S, Dakin S, Day B, Castellote J, White SJ & Frith U (2003). Theories of developmental dyslexia: insights from a multiple case study of dyslexic adults. Brain, 126, 841-865. (view here)