
    The Laughter Project is a PhD research supervised by Prof Sophie Scott and Dr Sarah White. We focus on the processing and production of laughter in typical developing and autistic adults.

    In this project, we will investigate the effect of inter-group bias on spontaneous mentalizing in neurotypical and autistic individuals.

    Investigating the ‘Triple I Hypothesis’ – an inability to infer implicit instructions (White, 2013), this project aims to explore the role of implicit mentalizing in executive function difficulties experienced by autistic individuals within open-ended executive function tasks.

    The M&C Project aims to explore mental state decoding and reasoning, the possibilities of modulating mentalizing performance, the role of compensation and its outcomes on mental health in individuals with various degrees of autistic traits.

    SensorAble Project Logo
    90% of autistic adults report that sensory issues cause significant barriers at school and work (Leekam et al., 2007). Wearable technologies (e.g., smart glasses) offer the possibility to monitor environments and adjust user-experiences. This research proposes applying such technologies to reduce anxiety-inducing distractions and create prompts that may increase autistic adults’ attentional-focus and quality-of-life.

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