Sarah has been awarded a research bursary from the EPS for Zuzana Nikodemova, a 2nd year UCL Psychology undegraduate, to join the lab this summer. Zuzana will work on a project looking at mentalizing and bilingualism.
After her MSc, Karen stayed on in the DevDivLab to help with filming some new stimuli, programming the eyetracker and collecting pilot data. In December, it was time for Karen to head home to Singapore, so the DevDivLab had a meal out at a traditional Singaporean restaurant. Very best wishes for the future, Karen!
Sarah gave a webinar for the British Dyslexia Association entitled “What is autism?” as part of their series on a range of neurodevelopmental conditions associated with dyslexia. The purpose was to raise awareness that dyslexic children may also have autistic traits more often than expected, to help teachers and other education professionals understand how the autistic mind takes in and processes information, and to think through how this may impact on teaching practices.
In September, Jo started a lectureship at the University of Surrey. Slowly over the next year, the projects that Jo leads on will be shifting to be based in Surrey. Jo is still an Honorary Research Fellow at the ICN, and Jo & Sarah will continue to collaborate on Fragile X and autism projects – long may that continue!
Marcia spent a day at Hackney Academy’s Big Bang event, running a hands-on workshop about the brain. The students were very keen and excited to learn about the brain; they all received an ICN certificate of attendance. A huge thanks to the teachers and students for organising the event and inviting the ICN. Marcia looks forward to running the workshops again next year!
Sarah worked with the Press and Communications Office of the Academy of Medical Sciences to produce a series of tweets about her research for World Autism Awareness Day. Have a look here, here and here.
Sarah and Katherine attended the AMS Developing Brain Meeting in Oxford on 19-20 March 2019, bringing together researchers from a wide range of disciplines to talk about the state of the art and new directions for the future of neurodevelopmental research. A great chance to build new links for future collaborations! You can watch the lectures here.