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    We’re delighted that Ruihan has been awarded a 3-year Chinese Government Scholarship to support her PhD on “Do individuals with elevated BAP traits compensate more: effects of compensation on mentalizing performance and mental health”. Congratulations Ruihan!

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    Sarah, Ishita, Ruihan and Ceci attended the British Psychology Society Developmental section and Cognitive Section joint conference in Stoke-on-Trent in September 2019. Ruihan and Ishita presented posters showcasing the research they have undertaken so far in their PhD, while Ceci gave a talk discussing her findings about laughter processing, which were recently published in Current Biology. Sarah also spoke about her recent work in collaboration with Jo on the Fragile X Premutation. It was a wonderful opportunity to familiarise ourselves with the latest advances in cognition and development.

    Find the conference abstracts here.

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    LOGO for Florida Atlantic University Center for Autism and Related Disabilities Little Owls Program

    On 4 July 2019, David gave a key-note address at the Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Autism and Related Disabilities Little Owl Programming event. Little Owls is an early intervention initiative that takes place over 3-days training parents, grandparents, and family members of infants, toddlers and preschoolers (18 months – 5 years old) who recently received an autism spectrum condition (ASC) or related diagnosis. David spoke of his own family’s experience when they received their daughter’s diagnosis almost 16 year ago. He addressed interventional initiatives currently provided by medical practitioners, therapists, district schools, state and federal government agencies. David also spoke briefly of his current research initiatives at UCL and answered questions from attendees.

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    Marcia spent a day at Hackney Academy’s Big Bang event, running a hands-on workshop about the brain. The students were very keen and excited to learn about the brain; they all received an ICN certificate of attendance. A huge thanks to the teachers and students for organising the event and inviting the ICN. Marcia looks forward to running the workshops again next year!

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    Ruihan presented her first PhD project on ‘The Broader Autism Phenotype, Implicit Mentalizing and Camouflaging: An Eye-tracking Study’ at the Neurodevelopmental Disorders Annual Seminar 2019, and was awarded the Annette Karmiloff-Smith poster prize for the best poster presentation. It was a great opportunity to learn about neurodevelopmental disorders and exchange ideas with experts and like-minded peers.

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    David Ruttenberg

    The DevDivLab is pleased to welcome David, a PhD distance learning researcher who is developing a purpose-built, wearable device designed to increase focus, attention and comfort for those diagnosed with autism. Using multimodal sensors, customized user profiles and adaptive optical, aural and haptic systems, David’s project hopes to ameliorate real-world, ecological and physio-sensory issues.

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    Sarah and Katherine attended the AMS Developing Brain Meeting in Oxford on 19-20 March 2019, bringing together researchers from a wide range of disciplines to talk about the state of the art and new directions for the future of neurodevelopmental research. A great chance to build new links for future collaborations! You can watch the lectures here.

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    Ishita, Sarah and Jo have recently been working with the Fragile X Society UK on a project looking at the first hand reports of women with the Fragile X Premutation, to raise awareness of the diversity of experience. Ishita interviewed a number of women who kindly shared their life stories. You can read more here.